International Easter market 2020

29.02.2020, 10 am to 6 pm and 01.03.2020, 10 am to 5 pm

Around 50 of the best European artists present their works of art within the modern exhibition architecture of the MUSEUM SCHLOSS FÜRSTENBERG.

All the traditional processes that are so natural for this tradition will be on display: Watercolour, acrylic and oil painting are just as much a part of an Easter egg market as the art of milling and perforating.

Many artists work on site, show different decoration techniques and give tips for their own design. Those who feel inspired by the filigree marvels to do the same as the artists will find the right blanks of all kinds of poultry on the Easter egg market.

Fascinating flower installations await visitors in time for spring. The Easter Café in the visitor factory invites you to take a culinary break. Here the porcelain makers demonstrate the individual steps in the production of the popular porcelain bunnies. The Manufaktur factory outlet presents the complete FÜRSTENBERG collection as well as seasonal accessories for table settings and beautiful living. A complete list of exhibitors will be available online about three weeks before the event.

Further information:
T 05271 401 178

Ostereiermarkt 2019
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