Treasure hunters

19.03. – 02.11.2016, Special exhibition

Adolf and Margot Edeling and their collection of early FÜRSTENBERG porcelain

For the first time in 40 years, the famous Edeling FÜRSTENBERG porcelain collection will be shown to the public again. Mr and Mrs Edeling had collected early Fürstenberg porcelain since the 1960s and compiled a series of extraordinary pieces from FÜRSTENBERG beginning in the years 1747/50. One of the top porcelain experts, the internationally renowned former director of the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, Dr Hermann Jedding, wrote: “This porcelain collection is one of the most discerning and systematic of its kind, with outstanding paintings from the best Fürstenberg porcelain painters and including the best creations from Fürstenberg productions overall.” The exhibition presents approximately 90 objects, which have recently found a new yet familiar home at FÜRSTENBERG.

Ausstellung Schatzsucher Museum im Schloss_FÜRSTENBERG Porzellan
Exhibitions Museum